" Enjoy your life! " Zeynep

vrijdag 9 mei 2014

A new begin

'' Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity... ''

- Gilda Radner

Maybe some of you know but probably most not, I ever had a blog before. Time went on and to be honest I have neglected it...  A couple of times I have tried to start writing posts for it but it never actually worked. The last time that I was really active on it was in my last year of high school so there have been huge changes made in my life. 

Of course my way of thinking has changed and naturally it will be change a lot till... '' a good question too ask but this will be probably till the last breath.''  A lot of changes happend in my life during this period of - lets say- 2 years. I have also tried to keep up with this changes in just 2 or 3 posts but that was just impossible, trying to put a couple of months in one post. Further more I'm excited to share a lot of stuff what happened in the near past.

So let this be a good new beginning and a short intro and figure out who I am by following me.


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